On Saturday 21 February 2009, the students of 9 bilingual class went to Jember to visit SMAN 1 Jember, one of internasional standar high school in Besuki region and Politeknik Jember. We went to SMAN 1 Jember to observe the study activity there. After that we went to politeknik Jember to observe about tissue culture. There we got much information about it.
Tissue culture is the method to isolate a part of the plant like protoplasm, cell, tissue, and organ, then growth it in the aseptic condition, so that those parts can increase them self and regeneration to become complete plant again. Tissue culture is one of biotechnology reproduction use microorganism. It can increase and remain species of plant, especially for plant that has low reproduction level like orchid because its seed doesn’t have food reserve or endosperm, so that we must supply the food from the growth medium. By tissue culture we can get more seed of a flower.
The equipment to do tissue culture are:
2. Autoclave. Autoclave is a equipment to sterilize the media with temperature 121 0C and pressure 17.5 LB/inch2 ( figure 2 )
3. Analytic Scale ( figure 3 )
4. Stove
5. Measuring glass
6. Spirtus ( figure 4 )
7. Pincers/ pinset
8. Blender
9. Pipette
10. PH meter
11. Framework of tissue culture and also the lamp
12. Regulator temperature (AC)
1. We must make media, media can made by :
a. Mix the chemical substance.
b. Measure PH.
c. Add 20 gr of sucrose.
d. Add 75 gr of seaweed.
e. Boil it until soluble.
f. Pour it into media bottle.
g. Sterilize with temperature 1210 C and pressure 17, 5 LB/ inch2 during 15 minutes.
h. 3 days later, the media ready to use.
2. Take the explants (the part of the plant that will use in tissue culture) such as leaf, top of steam, root, or cells and protoplasm.
3. Sterilize it in Laminar Air Flow cabinet (LAF)
5. Wait it during 3-4 months until it became plantlet (small plant)
6. Separate the planlet from one bottle became 10 bottles (Sub-Culture I) and wait during 2-3 months
7. Separate again became 10 bottles (Sub-Culture II) and wait during 2-3 months
8. Acclimatization ( The product of tissue culture is ready to plant in component pot
9. Because the product is very susceptible and still cant adaptation with environment around so it must be saved in green house.
By : Group 5 ( 9 bil )
Iftitahul Fariha Yuliarti ( 12 ) Risky Setyansah Abadi ( 17 )
Putu Mentari Setyawati ( 22 ) Retno Agus Pratiwi ( 03 )