making blogger's banner By RS1819medboy

This is the steps to make blogger's banner:
1.Sign in into blogger
2.go to customisation menu add gadget.
4.choose HTML mode
5.entered this code
(a href="alamat URL blog" target="_blank")
(img alt="alamat URL blog" src="alamat URL banner*"
border="0" width="100" height="75" /)(/a)
(textarea rows="3")+(a href="{alamat URL blog" target="_blank")(img src="{alamat URL banner*}" border="0" alt="{alamat URL Blog" width="{lebar gambar banner}" height="{tinggi gambar banner}" /)(/a)(/textarea)>

NB:changed() into <>
*=you must have photo that uploaded into,,and the other
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Ini Ada cara Untuk membuat Banner blog:
1.Masuk(sign in) Ke Bloggermu.
2.Masuk Ke Menu Kustomisasi.
3.Klik Tambah Gadget.
4.Pilih Html.
5.Maukkan Kode Berikut:
(a href="alamat URL blog" target="_blank")
(img alt="alamat URL blog" src="alamat URL banner*"
border="0" width="100" height="75" /)(/a)
(textarea rows="3")+(a href="{alamat URL blog" target="_blank")(img src="{alamat URL banner*}" border="0" alt="{alamat URL Blog" width="{lebar gambar banner}" height="{tinggi gambar banner}" /)(/a)(/textarea)

NB:tanda () diganti <>
*=harus memiliki foto yang telah di-upload ke,,DLL

share all.

By: Rizky Setiansyah Abadi

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